Life will lead us wherever we choose to go.

We can all improve our lives and along the way improve the lives of others.

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Where are you now?

Where are you going?

How are you going to get there?

People Are Talking...

“Before the “Me Meetings” I never really paid that much attention to all of the different categories of life. I pretty much dealt with life as it was handed out to me. Focusing on the 8 major aspects of life has created and still creates improvements all the way around.”



“The ‘Me’ 11-week course empowered me to become more courageous, focused, and much more grateful. I have learned how to forgive more easily and most of all to believe in myself.”


“I understand so much more about my life in such a short period of time. From anatomy, brain functioning, to my top life values and so much more in between.

This course is a must for all who want answers to the question–who am I, really?”


Let's Communicate

At HOPE we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Please send us your questions and comments. 

Asking ?’s is the answer!


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